
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Dammit, I need to make a decision on whether or not to go to Toronto in June. The flights are filling up fast and there's not really much left on the areoplan site. I finally asked my girlfriend if she'd like to go and she pretty much said no because of the expense. I offered to cover her but she hasn't replied yet. I would really like if she'd go with me. I don't like the thought of us being unstable and separated by half the country. Actually, it's mainly because my latest anxiety attack trigger is thinking about her cheating on me. Yeah... I don't know where that came from. She's quite depressed right now and I honestly don't think that'd even cross her mind... but what if it did? Depressed people do that... crazy things like sex with strangers or whatever. See? I'm going insane.

Anyway, I've started walking more often. About 15-20 minutes during my morning break at work (which is easier to motivate myself to do) and about 15 minutes in the evening (much harder to motivate myself to do), followed by some stretches. It seems to be an effective mood lifter so far. Hopefully I'll get the added bonus of weight loss too.

Detroit is beating Anaheim 5-0 right now. I love it. I hate Anaheim and their stacked defence line. Hopefully Detroit can repeat again later in the week.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... yesterday my new boss of a few weeks (but used to be my boss for four years before I switched departments) gave his notice yesterday. I'm once again without a manager. I phoned my manager who is on mat leave and she was shocked about the departure, but then joked that it's obviously something about me that drives all my bosses away, lol. I told her she better come back for sure now because dammit, now I've lost the last link to knowledge for my tasks.

Today I'm grateful for:

* The tiniest bit of motivation
* Courtesy phone calls
* Online help
* Private messages/e-mails of support


Anonymous said...

poop I want to fly somewhere this summer... guess I'll just have to drive ;)

Stacey said...

yay come to toronto!!!

jp said...

I agree with Stacey. :)