
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yard Pictures

I don't really have anything good to say today, so instead I thought I'd take a picture of the view off of the back deck (the little lake across the street in the park actually wraps all the way around the left side of the neighbourhood) and of the tulips around the tree in the front yard. The yard is still pretty bare with new grass and curbing (makes the side of the house look like a fairway...) and very little planting done so far. It's coming along though. It's really frickin' sunny outside so some of 'em have a bit of a glare.

Today I'm grateful for (this is getting a little hard lately...):

* A weekly paycheque
* My home
* Quiet time from 4-5:30 pm
* Spa services


jp said...

The tulips are so...I don't know. They're so uniform. Reminds me of my Catholic school days. LOL! Nice view though...I'm jealous.

westmaple said...

See? Sometimes we even have non-winter weather!

Uniform tulips are a must, lol... wouldn't have it any other way.

As you can see from the view, we're living practically on the edge of the suburb. There wouldn't be this nice of a park in the city... at least this close to the houses.

Anonymous said...

be thankful you have a real bed and didn't have to sleep on an air matress and freeze your ass off last night

Stacey said...

nice yard and park! i agree, the tulips are very uniform. actually, i pictured a snow damaged landscape. ;)