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Sunday, June 10, 2007

What the...?

My grandmother phoned me this afternoon to tell me that my cat, Simon, has decided to teach himself how to use the toilet. What the hell?!?!

I think I have a toothache. I've had sharp pains all day, but I don't know which tooth it is, only that it's on the right side. I really really really REALLY hope I don't have a cracked tooth or something. That'll fuck me over financially right before my vacation. Dammit... that always seems to happen. Please let it not happen this month.

I can't believe it's after 9 pm already. The sun is still up here and it'll be light until near midnight. In the few weeks it won't be completely dark here at night... it'll just be a dark grey. A nice perk on the weekend, living so far North, but a pain in the ass during the week when trying to fall asleep at a decent hour. It is kind of easier to wake up in the morning though, when the sun rises before 5 am.

Today I'm grateful for:

* The distraction that is Xena subtext
* A new Jeffery Deaver book in paperback
* Upcoming vacation
* A home
* A job
* My family
* My friends

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