
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 4, 2012

Oh my god, I've found three things that I can consume without feeling nauseated or throwing up!

1.  Apple Juice - I can actually drink an entire glass or two with no ill effects.  It is AMAZING!!!  Compared to water (which must be practically ice it has to be so cold to not want to gag on it) or gingerale (a few sips at best) or anything else.  Hallelujah!!!  I'm not going to die of dehydration. 

2.  Popcorn - This is the ONLY food I can eat more than a nibble without wanting to hurl.  Both movie theatre popcorn and microwave popcorn seem to do the trick.  We went to see Snow While and the Huntsman on Friday night and I decided to try a small popcorn.  We were only 15 min into the movie when I turned to Jules and said, "Uh oh, I'm almost out of popcorn." to which Jules gave me a 'please-oh-please-don't-make-me-go-get-you-more' look.  I took pity on her because we were there because she wanted to see the movie (only the third one she's actually wanted to see in the five years I've known her) so I sat there with the pleasant memory of actually enjoying food for the first time in over a month.

3.  Flintstone vitamins - I'm not proud of this one.  It's hard to feel good about being pregnant and taking children's vitamins but oh my god, it's better than nothing.  I've been throwing up my prenatal vitamin (among other things) on a daily basis, despite trying different times of the day, etc.  It's just not working for me.  When I go to the doctor next week I'll be bringing it up.

I'm finding the first trimester to be very frustrating.  24/7 nausea aside, I'm so sick of not being able to eat the healthy things I need to be eating.  I *hate* nibbling on soda crackers and ginger biscuits and all these bland, gross things that I normally never have in my cupboards.  My fridge is filled with apple sauce, banana flavoured soy dessert, vanilla greek yogurt and carrot sticks, eggs and shredded cheese.  I'm so sick of those things but they are the only things I can consistantly nibble on and keep down (mostly).  The freezer is filled with frozen fruit chunks that I occasionally mix with rice milk for a smoothie (my favourite thing ever) but even that doesn't taste like it used to so I end up passing it off to Jules to finish.

Smells are like the kick while already down.  Coffee, mint, garlic, tomato sauce, meat, scented body washes, shampoo and conditioner, nail polish, perfume.... FUCK!

Fortunately I have the best partner in the entire world helping me along with this miserable trimester.  She's been doing all of the chores that involve the offending scents (anything to do with the kitchen, laundry, bathroom, etc.) and being unbelievably patient when I have one of my hormonal moments.


Stacey said...

I forget--do you have a prescription for the anti-nausea stuff? If not, your doctor can give you one.

The first trimester sucks in a lot of ways. You don't look pregnant but you feel like garbage.

I had a REALLY sensitive gag reflex with Jackson's pregnancy and it has remained somewhat. I am more sensitive than I used to be.

westmaple said...

I have a prescription for Diclectin which has been helping. I find I can't take the full dosage at night though(2 tablets before bed, 1 in the morning and 1 at lunch) because otherwise I'm too groggy and don't want to get out of bed for work during the week. ;)

That really sucks about the more sensitive gag reflex that stayed after your last pregnancy. :(

Stacey said...

Yeah well my body didn't bounce back so easily the 2nd time around. He ruined me. lol